There are various methods to pay your factoring account, as follows;
allpay Card
All factored owners should have an allpay card which is unique to your account. This can be used to pay your account at various local outlets, by phone or in person at the Associations office, or online. Click on the Store Locator link to see where the nearest place to pay is locate, Store Locator
By Cheque
Cheques are accepted by the Association either at the office or by post.
We would prefer not to accept cash but if this is your only method of payment we will accept cash payments at the Associations office in Rutherglen.
Standing Order
We will accept standing orders for the payment of accounts or if arrears are being paid in instalments. The bank details to enable you to set up a standing order with your bank are on your invoice.
If you are having difficulty paying your account please contact the Association as soon as possible so that we can come to a payment arrangement with you. The Association will instigate legal proceedings to recover arrears and pass on the legal costs of this to you, it is therefore important that you contact us as soon as possible.