As a community based organisation, we are keen to ensure that we provide a service to the community in addition to the housing service that we provide.

The pages in this section therefore give details of information on a whole range of community facilities. Many of the pages have links to other useful websites. If you are a local group and have information that you would like posted on these pages please contact us.

Healthy & Happy 

At Healthy & Happy their aim is to work with local residents, groups and organisations, to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen the healthiest and happiest places to live in Scotland. Visit their website for more information.

Include me 2 Club

Include Me 2 Club's is a charity organisation with the ambition to create a community where people, no matter their age or abilities, are treated equally and fairly, and are supported to achieve their goals and ambitions - to work, live and take part in their communities as valued members.

The social club mimics a night out vibe for adult members and has something different on each week such as games nights, karaoke and live singers.

Where: St Columbkille Church Community Hall, 2 Kirkwood Street, Rutherglen

When: Every Tuesday night 6.00pm – 9.00pm

Cost: £3 Membership Fee, 50p Support Fee

£1 Bingo Ticket (optional), £1 Raffle Ticket (optional)

Interested?  You can more information by calling 0141 881 0544

or email: or visit the website at