Welcome to Rutherglen & Cambuslang Housing Associations web site. We hope our website enhances the services that we provide to our service users and enables feedback on our service delivery.
You can navigate the site to find out more about the Association, its purpose, the services it delivers, our housing stock, any Staff or Committee vacancies and the latest news. It has the facility to complete and submit an application for housing. The site also provides useful information about our community including services provided by other agencies , community groups and South Lanarkshire Council.
Tenants can register an online account and this will enable you to pay rent online, view your rent statement, report a repair, change your household details and give feedback on the Associations service.
We are keen to ensure that the site meets its users needs. If you have any suggestions on how it can be improved please feel free to let us know. You can do this through the 'Feedback' section.
View our contact details.